2020 was a year of accelerated lessons. At the very moment that municipalities needed to make their residents feel involved and informed, social distancing measures made it harder than ever to reach.
Everyone deserves the chance to participate in the decisions that will impact them. But if you’ve struggled with balancing over-represented and under-represented voices in a public engagement, you.
In a rush? Read this article at-a-glance by clicking below to download a checklist of 25+ ideas for making sure your engagement reaches a representative sample. One of the most frustrating challenges.
A few months after an unprecedented global shut-down, the world is cautiously beginning to wonder what comes next in a post-COVID era. So far, are things going back to ‘business as usual’ for local.
Modern democracies have evolved more in the last few months than they have in the past century. Digital tools, live-streaming capabilities, and sophisticated technological platforms are changing how.
The following content is intended to be general information, not legal advice - please always seek legal advice particular to your situation. As pandemic response continues into the foreseeable.
Two Canadian companies, Ethelo and Converso, are pleased to announce a new collaboration to address the challenges of public engagement during physical distancing. Their new Virtual Open House.