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John Richardson

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Ethelo enters the Realm of DAOs

Have you heard of “DAOs”? They are an emerging type of web-based organization that uses blockchain technology to self-organize. DAOs have gotten a lot of coverage recently in mainstream publications.

Decision Protocols as Governance Executables

Governance is emerging as one of the key challenges facing DAOs, and - as the space becomes more developed - crypto communities generally. Strong group decision-making will be critical to resolving.

Problems with Democracy

There are two approaches to engaging with political systems. The first, most common approach, is to engage with the system as it is and try to achieve better outcomes. The second is to imagine and.

How to Make Police Budgeting Fair, Inclusive and Transparent

Across North America, municipal leaders are grappling with how to turn the energy of protesters in the streets calling for police reform into tangible policy changes that will meet the needs of a.

Ethelo Democracy and Artificial Intelligence

There has been growing speculation about the potential impact of artificial intelligence, in particular machine learning, on how society operates at the macro level.

Ethelo And Morphological Analysis

Morphological Analysis (MA), which means “the study of forms” is well established as a method for modelling structural relationships between objects and phenomena in a number of scientific fields.

Democracy in a Time of Social Distancing

Times of crisis are when democracies face their greatest challenges, and also when they show their greatest strengths. In recent weeks, we have seen governments around the world put to the test as.

How Ethelo Works

Ethelo is collaboration technology designed for solving multi-factor decision problems, particularly when issues are contentious and there is a requirement for fairness.

Ethelo Starting Guide

This Guide is for newcomers to Ethelo and is aimed at giving a quick overview of how Ethelo works and the process for setting up an Ethelo “Project.”

Ethelo Open Source Strategy

Ethelo is currently patented in the US (Patent No. 9,727,883) but the primary purpose of the patent is protective. Our plan is to Open Source the Ethelo engine under an Affero Copyleft license. We.